CMCR 2018 Symposium

The Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research (CMCR) hosted our inaugural symposium series on June 8, 2018 exploring emerging issues related to basic and clinical cannabinoid science, public health and safety implications, and regulatory challenges in conducting cannabis research.


  Topic Speaker
7:30am Continental Breakfast 
8:00am Introduction/Overview Igor Grant, MD
UC San Diego
  The health impact of cannabis Daniele Piomelli, MD, PhD, PharmD
UC Irvine
9:00am Examples of emerging therapeutic potentials of medicinal cannabis
  Moderator Mark Wallace, MD
UC San Diego
  Therapeutic potential of cannabis for pain alone and as an adjunct to opioids Ziva Cooper, PhD
Columbia University
New York State Psychiatric Institute
  Cannabis & PTSD: A long and winding road absent good scientific data Marcel Bonn-Miller, PhD
University of Pennsylvania
  Potential utility of cannabidiol in the treatment of behavior problems in children with autism Doris Trauner, MD
UC San Diego
Rady Children’s Hospital
  Medicinal cannabis research down under: Introducing the Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics Iain McGregor, PhD
University of Sydney
10:00 am Discussion/Future Directions 
10:30 am Break
11:00 am Public health and safety implications of medicinal cannabis
  Moderator Susan Tapert, PhD
UC San Diego
  Cannabis & cognition: Budding evidence regarding the differential impact of recreational vs. medical use Staci Gruber, PhD
Harvard Medical School
  Cannabis and public safety: The challenge of cannabis-impaired driving Thomas Marcotte, PhD
UC San Diego
  Medicinal cannabis / legalization and the development of cannabis use problems Alan Budney, PhD
Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine
11:50 am Discussion/Future Directions 
12:20 pm Lunch & Poster-viewing  
1:15 pm Real-World Use
  Moderator Kent Hutchison, PhD
University of Colorado Boulder
  What's in real-world cannabis? Ryan Vandrey, PhD
Johns Hopkins University
  Cannabis based drug development activities at Ole Miss Mahmoud ElSohly, PhD
University of Mississippi
  Day to day in a cannabis clinic Sherry Yafai, MD
Santa Monica Emergency Medicine
  Industry Panel Catherine Jacobson, PhD

Tiffany Devitt
CannaCraft Inc. 

Linda Honderd
Mary's Medicinals

2:25 pm Discussion/Future Directions  
2:55 pm Policy, legal, and pragmatic issues in obtaining cannabis preparations for medical research
  Moderator Igor Grant, MD
UC San Diego
  Legalization experience Lori Ajax
California Bureau of Cannabis Control
  Update from NIDA:  Current status and the future of research on marijuana and marijuana products Steve Gust, PhD
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
  FDA and Cannabis:
Our Regulatory Roles
Dominic Chiapperino, PhD
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
  Legal Challenges Ellen Auriti, JD
University of California, Office of the President
4:00 pm Panel Discussion/Future Directions 
4:30 pm Open Discussion 
5:00 pm Adjourn 


LINK to CMCR Symposia Series